System-Level Design Tools Utilizing OPM and Modelica
Joshua Sutherland, Kazuya OIZUMI, Kazuhiro AOYAMA, Takao EGUCHI, Naoki TAKAHASHI
ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC) 2016
Charlotte, North Carolina
This paper presents a methodology and tools to synthesize and assess different System-Level Designs. It utilizes the descriptive modeling language Object Process Methodology (OPM) to hierarchically describe the functionality of the System of Interest which is mapped by way of various intermediary models to an architecture in the Modelica numerical modeling language. The resulting Modelica architecture model is subsequently used as a framework for the rapid creation of alternative System of Interest designs by the variation of components.
To enable consistent assessment of the alternatives, Assessment Scenarios are created based on the functionality identified by OPM decomposition. By defining the hierarchy of the Modelica models with the Assessment Scenarios at the top all the System of Interest alternative models can be composed into the Assessment Scenario Modelica models and simulated. With a combined score for each alternative across all the Assessment Scenarios being computed by way of Multi Objective Decision Analysis (MODA).
This paper demonstrates the approach with an actual student solar powered autonomous boat development project.